The User is informed that this Website uses cookies and similar technologies. Cookies are small data files that are placed on the User’s device and that allow the storage of information related to the navigation carried out. In particular, cookies allow this Website to know, among others, the following information:

The date and time of the last time the User visited the Website;
The content design that the User chose on their first visit to the Website;
Security elements involved in controlling access to restricted areas. The User has the option of preventing the generation of cookies, by selecting the corresponding option in their Browser program.
Cookies allow the Website, among other things, to store and retain information about the browsing habits of Users or their devices and, depending on the information contained therein and the use they are making of the devices, they can be used to recognize the User.

What cookies do we use?

Session cookies: They are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. Allows you to control the user’s session in the OpenCms application that supports the corporate website. They are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the web page, so none is recorded on the user’s hard drive. These cookies do not collect any information about your browsing that can be used for marketing actions or to remember which pages you have browsed.
Analysis cookies: These are those that allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out the measurement and analysis of the use they make of the service offered. The purposes are purely statistical and serve us to improve our content.
Possible types of cookies

Session cookies: They are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page, and it is not recorded on the user’s disk.
Persistent cookies: They are a type of cookie in which the data is still stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.
Cookies can also be:

Own: they are cookies generated by the web page that is being visited.
From third parties: they are cookies that are received when browsing that web page, but that have been generated by a third service that is hosted on it.
The Website uses third-party cookies. Specifically, it uses the following third-party cookies:

NameOriginPurposeDurationMore info…
Google AnalyticsFor web analysis, for example how many pages a user has visited or session time_ga: 2 years
_gid: 1 day
_gat: 10 minutes
YoutubeThey are used for playing videos over the web, for example, to save preferences 
:8 months, YSC: sesion
AddthisThey are used by the Addthis plugin to share content on social networks, ensuring for example that the shares counter is updated2 years
guest_idTwitterIt is generated by Twitter for the tweet viewer that shows the web to identify the user2 years
hjIncludedInSampleHotjarDestined to know which sections are the most used on our websiteEnd of browsing session
Disqus__qca (Domain: It is used when someone uses the comments, embedded service that we use externally__qca: 1 month
G_ENABLED_IDPS: Persistent
__utma: 2 years
__utmz: 6 months
_ga: 2 years
_gid: 1 day
disqus_unique: 6 months
intercom-id-x2byp8hg: 1 year
Doubleclick.netIncluded for using a Google service and/or productsDSID: 1 month
id: 13 years
__zlcmidMailChimpUsed for subscription via email. Mailchimp is attached to Puerto Seguro (Safe Harbor) for which it has been recognized by the European Commission as an adequacy and level of protection, for which authorization from the Director of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection is not required.1 year
PHPSESSIDWeb siteIt is used by the web’s own programming language to store a session identifierEnd of browsing session 
cdp-cookiesWeb siteIntended to identify whether the cookie policy has been accepted to display the informative message or not1 day 
etBloomCookie_optinWeb siteIntended to be a means by which they sign up for our newsletter list connected with Mailchimp1 day 

Purpose of cookies

Technical purposes: They are necessary for the operation of the website. They are also called strictly necessary. They make it possible to control traffic from the server to multiple users at the same time, identification and access as a system user, etc.
Personalization: They make it possible for each user to configure aspects such as the language in which they want to see the web page or the regional configuration.
Analysis or performance: They allow the number of visits and navigation criteria of different areas of the web to be measured anonymously.
Advertising: They allow the implementation of efficiency parameters in the advertising offered on web pages.
Behavioral advertising: They allow the implementation of efficiency parameters in the advertising offered on web pages, based on information on the behavior of users.
How to modify cookie settings

You can restrict, block or delete cookies from this web page or any other web page, using your browser. In each browser the operation is different, the ‘Help’ function will show you how to do it.

How to uninstall cookies

If you want to delete the cookies registered by from your browser, here are links to instructions for different browsers:

Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
Safari: (in English) Go to the Safari menu > Preferences. In the Privacy section, click the Details button Select the website that stores cookies and click Delete, or click Delete All to delete all cookies.

The website owned by Sandra corredera Fernández can modify this cookie policy based on legal requirements. Or with the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

For this reason, we advise users to visit it periodically. When significant changes occur in this cookie policy, they will be communicated to users, either through the web or via email to registered users.